Home Blog #Fincabulary19 – Mancession

#Fincabulary19 – Mancession

MeaningAn economic instance in which the unemployment rate is substantially higher among men than it is among women.

The term “mancession” was coined during the financial crisis of 2008-2009, during which men bore the brunt of the job losses in the United States, at rates close to 50% higher than those of women. Analysts have tried to understand the mancession phenomenon, and have offered a few possible reasons. First, during the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the majority of jobs that were initially cut were in the male-dominated manufacturing and construction industries, leading to disproportionate levels of joblessness among males. Also, at the time it was reported that women in the United States accounted for nearly 60% of the college degrees handed out during that period, meaning that a greater number of women were working white-collar jobs, especially in publicly-funded industries such as education and   healthcare, which saw far fewer cutbacks than male-dominated industries.

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