The entire world has been running in an unexpected cycle of the economic situation since the outbreak of the most wrecking pandemic which has turned things upside down. An important aspect of this has been how the situation has evolved on multiple ends, be it the unexpected movements in the stock markets or the change in international economic relations as well. This has been observed in various aspects including forex trading, import and export levels, and alternate frameworks being applied that may be a change being experienced forever. The entire process of a paradigm shift during the unexpected changes gave way to the turnaround to the established Indian economy as well. India as a nation was already experiencing declining numbers when it came to the GDP level and other economic metrics as well. Before COVID-19 hit the world even the Indian economy was going through a phase of deceleration. In comparison to the worst slowdown in 2011-2012 when there was a drastic drop in the GDP levels.
While the country is battling with the demons of falling GDP numbers and the turnaround by the second wave of the pandemic, it has experienced another major change in the form of the new Agricultural bills. The bills created alterations in the entire system and frameworks of how sales and purchase of farm produce were being done. The move by the Indian government met with critical responses from the farmer community and was also reviewed as opening several avenues as per the spokespersons representing the governing administration. The farmers’ concerns lie within the issues of suspicion over the withdrawal of MSP policy and the degree of liberty over sales in the open market. With the entry of certain private players, the fear of price restrictions and hoarding exists.
Since India is currently in the phase of driving the economy towards greater achievements through the means of new reforms and certain changes in the existing frameworks, TJEF has decided to focus on the key concerns including the reforms over a decade that range over the years, the essential aspects of the newly introduced farm bills in 2020 that include three contentious laws that might change the way Indian farmers do business and the review on the expectations and recovery in context to the behaviour of stock market as a disengaged pattern to reach the pre-pandemic levels.
On behalf of the TJEF editorial board, I would like to appreciate the sincere efforts put in by the authors who wrote for us. I hope the readers find the research papers insightful.
Link to TJEF Journal 6, Issue 1 :
Happy reading!
Mohd. Yusuf,