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New MCLR methodology by RBI

By- Nayan Saraf In December 2015, RBI introduced the guidelines in computing interest rate based on marginal cost of funds called Marginal Cost...

Dating Apps: A Numbers Perspective

Editor – Mugilganesh RM In this week’s Thoughtful Tuesday article, we are talking about the place where mostromantic relationships tend to start: dating,...

IPO Analysis: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

We would like to present to you the report from Samnidhy® on Hindustan Aeronautics limited, IPO analysis by Automobile sector analyst Mr Arohi Deore. The...

Budget Series 2017-18-#1 Impact on Banking Sector

Akanksha Mund & Vishaka Sivanainar The Budget 2017-18 – Banking Sector The Union & Railway Budget released on 1st February was highly anticipated...

Company Analysis of ZF Commercial

Company Analysis Campus The company strategically shapes the future of commercial transportation systems by delivering cutting-edge technologies and services that enhance efficiency, safety,...

Dubious Origins, Boardroom Strife, and Mismanagement: The Underlying Causes of Punjab Kings’ IPL Failures. 

Editor – Prajith Reddy The Indian Premier League (IPL) is more than just a cricket tournament; it’s a complex interplay of sports, entertainment,...

Company Analysis of Hindustan Computers Ltd.

Hindustan Computers Limited, now known as HCL Technologies or HCLTech, is a Noida-based worldwideprovider of IT services and consultancy. HCL entered the software...


 – By Vrishali Pawaskar – T. A. PAI MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, MANIPAL Introduction The global financial services sector is an epitome of transformation for...

Volume 06 : Issue 59