Home Interesting Reads

Interesting Reads

As part of our Intelligent Insights initiative, we share links to interesting articles and papers from leading journals, and magazines on our the Facebook page.

October 2019

Oct 3rd – A sound review: On Supreme Court recalling its verdict diluting SC/ST anti-atrocities law

Oct 2nd – Raining misery: On ongoing monsoon fury

Oct 1st – Difficult compromise: On Austria’s snap election

September 2019

Sept 30th – The real deal: On India-U.S. trade deal

Sept 27th – Subject to people’s will: On Karnataka bypolls

Sept 26th – A sound review: On Supreme Court recalling its verdict diluting SC/ST anti-atrocities law

Sept 25th – Home and abroad: On India’s rightful place in the world

Sept 24th – Texan outreach: On ‘Howdy Modi’ event in Houston

Sept 23rd – Local matters: on poll issues in Maharashtra and Haryana

Sept 20th – Smoke of the vaper: On e-cigarettes ban

Sept 19th – Dangerous vacuum: On detention of J&K leaders

Sept 18th – Fire to fuel: On attacks against Saudi oil facilities

Sept 17th – Deadly spread: On ‘vaccine hesitancy’

Sept 16th – Irresponsible remarks: On U.P. Minister’s Ayodhya comments

Sept 13th – Bane of banners: On the menace of illegal hoardings

Sept 12th – Irresponsible remarks: On U.P. Minister’s Ayodhya comments

Sept 11th – Futile fines: On traffic violation penalties

Sept 10th – Belated realisation: On Trump’s peace negotiation with Taliban

Sept 9th – A controversial transfer: On Tahilramani’s transfer

Sept 6th – Bear hug: On India strengthening relations with Russia

Sept 5th – Italy afloat: On an unlikely ruling coalition in Rome

Sept 4th – On the edge: On economic slowdown

Sept 3rd – A life in the balance: On Kulbhushan Jadhav

Sept 2nd – Message delivered: On Biarritz G7 Summit

August 2019

Aug 30th – Tinkering for optics: On FDI rule changes

Aug 29th – With or without: On U.K. Parliament suspension

Aug 28th – Big bank theory: On Public Sector Bank mergers

Aug 27th – Gold winner: On Sindhu’s victory at the Badminton Worlds

Aug 26th – On the wrong side: On PCI backing Kashmir restrictions

Aug 23rd – New norms: On regulations for foreign investors

Aug 22nd – Free fall: On the Afghan conflict

Aug 21st – Sentiment booster: On govt response to slowdown

Aug 20th – Trump calls: On Kashmir

Aug 19th – Content management: On Aadhaar-social media linkage

Ag 16th – Logged out: On protecting Amazon rainforest

Aug 15th – At a crossroads: On Motor Vehicles Act

Aug 14th – Fed’s insurance policy: On Federal Reserve’s rate cut

Aug 13th –Dealing with doping: On BCCI consent to come under WADA

Aug 12th –A bitter harvest that we could still prevent

Aug 9th –Flood response: From ad-hoc to planned

Aug 8th –RBI’s Goldilocks cut: On repo rate cut

Aug 7th –Blackout: On Kashmir lock down

Aug 6th –NMC Bill: Address the concerns of the doctors

Aug 5th –Decision changes the dynamics of the India-Pakistan dialogue on Kashmir

Aug 4th –Why the government’s step of demystifying Article 35 A is a welcome step

Aug 3rd –Freeing Kulbhushan: On consular access

Aug 2nd –Scrapping J&K’s special status is the wrong way to an end

Aug 1st –Why central banks are at loggerheads

July 2019

2018 & Before