Home FAQ: The Editorial Board Selection

FAQ: The Editorial Board Selection

The Editorial Board is hiring editors for the batch of 2018-20. Here are some of the commonly asked questions which you may have in your mind :

Q-1) Can I be a part of a committee and still be a part of the Editorial Board of TJEF?

Ans: Yes, you can! As long as there is no exclusivity clause mentioned by the committee which you will be a part of.

Q-2) Do I need to be a finance-major to apply for the post of Editor on the TJEF Board?

Ans: Not necessarily. All you need to have is passion for finance and economics.

Q-3) I have NOT decided my major yet, can I apply ?

Ans: Yes, you can apply. (Please refer to Answer-2)

Q-4) What is it expected of me as a member of the Editorial Board?

Ans: The list would go as long as you want, because we are open to new ideas , as long as it is relevant to the finance domain along with the professionalism we maintain. These are the broad areas in which you will be working :

a) Writing articles on current happenings in the world of Finance and Economics

b) Reviewing articles and research papers

c) Collaborating with other forums of the institute for various institutional reasons

d) Content marketing

Q-5) What is the workload in the Editorial Board?

Ans: The workload is distributed among all the editors. It would be a great learning experience with the laid down curriculum of TAPMI. You will be up to date with the recent happenings in the world of finance.

Q-6) What is the number of positions available for each category?

Ans: Editors: (5 or 6),    Designer: (1),    Marketer: (1 or 0)

Q-7) When will the process for selection begin?

Ans: If you choose to be a part of the Editorial Board, you will receive a further communication regarding the profile and the respective tasks. You will get few days to complete the article/design/strategy and submit. The interview process will tentatively begin after 10th August, 2018


If you still have any query feel free to reach out to us at tjef@tapmi.edu.in