Home Commercial Banking 2021

Commercial Banking 2021

Commercial Bank (Defintion, Functions) | How it Works?

A commercial bank is a financial organisation that accepts deposits, provides checking account services, makes various loans, and provides people and small companies with basic financial products such as certificates of deposit (CDs) and savings accounts. The majority of people do their banking with a commercial bank.

Commercial banks make money by making loans and collecting interest on them. Consumers and small to medium-sized enterprises can use commercial banks for basic banking services such as deposit accounts and loans. These banks profit through a range of fees as well as interest earned on loans. Banks have typically been located in physical locations, but an increasing number of them are now only available online. Commercial banks are vital to the economy because they generate revenue.

AT1 bonds- SBI

Balancing Financial Inlusion through SFBs

Banking and Blockchain Technology

Banking Sector Profit At Record Levels Despite Pandemic

BharatPe- How the Payments Startup Won a Rare Banking License in India

Citigroup to sell off consumer business in India

Corporate Houses In Banking

Credit- Deposit ratio takes a hit in 2020

Does Corporate Banking Offer Better Risk-Reward Ratio than Retail Banking

Embeddable Banking-The Next Frontier for Banking

GNPA Ratio Trends for Banks

India Offers Huge Potential For Digital Challenger Banks

India’s Bank Credit-To-GDP Ratio

Libor Transitions for Banks

NBFID-A Step Ahead In Infrastructural Funding

Neo Banks-The Next Banking Revolution

New Umbrella Entity for Retail Digital Platforms

NPCI to Alert UPI Entities Near 30 percent Cap

Open Credit Enablement Network (OCEN)

Privatisation and Recapitalisation of Banks

RBI Warns Against Allowing Big Tech Firms Into Financial Services

Restructuring Of loans 2.0

Revised Regulatory Framework For NBFCs

Rise and Fall of Lakshmi Vilas Bank

Disclaimer: These reports are based on various news articles and are prepared by the students pursuing the course of Commercial Banking in PGP-2, in no way they reflect the thoughts of the Editorial Board of TJEF and TAPMI. These reports are solely meant for academic purpose and so should not be used for any other reason. Please reach out to us at tjef@tapmi.edu.in for any query.