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Impact of The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,2016

By Aditya Alamuri With the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016, Indians can finally go legally broke. The new code will step into the...

Economic Survey of India 2018-19

Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs, Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey 2018-19 in Parliament today. With the theme of Shifting...

#Fincabulary 14 – Bagel Land

Meaning – A slang term that represents a stock or other security that is approaching zero in price. This term is typically used...

Volume 3, Issue 1

August 2018, Volume 3, Issue No.1 In the recent months, the world has witnessed few major economic trends and turmoil. The Economic...

The Middle East and the “Dutch Disease”

After long periods of lockdown and covid-19, here we are again talking about a disease related to the mid-east that has a...