Home Blog #Fincabulary 32 – MiFID II

#Fincabulary 32 – MiFID II

Meaning – MiFID II is a legislative framework instituted by the European Union to regulate financial markets in the bloc and improve protections for investors with the aim of restoring confidence in the industry after the financial crisis exposed weaknesses in the system. It is a revised version of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and was rolled out on January 3, 2018.

While the original MiFID only covered multi-lateral trading facilities, the previously unregulated organized trading facilities (OTFs) have also been added in the new framework. There are new safeguards for algorithmic and high-frequency trading activity. Stricter requirements for portfolio management, investment advice, and other investor protections are also included. Additional and reinforced powers of supervision of derivatives markets, coordinated with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is also a part of the new regulations.

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